Friday, February 15, 2013

Nichigeki Music Hall and Tani Naomi, Pt. II

Tani Naomi performance at Kyobashi Academy Gekijo

As mentioned in the previous post, Nichigeki wasn't the only venue in town where one could enjoy an evening of risque entertainment back in the sexy '70s.

The above poster (which I found on Yahoo Auction) has a nude Tani Naomi in bondage promoting her performances at the Kyobashi Academy Gekijo (theater).

There was a bunch of these theaters around. This one was within walking distance of both Tokyo station and Nichigeki.

Next we have a poster from Nichigeki itself.
Tani Naomi at Nichigeki
This one advertises Tani Naomi's performance at Nichigeki Music Hall which was located in Yurakucho, a stone's throw from the famous Ginza. This one also mentions the Kigeki Kobo (comedy group).

I'm not sure how these shows were organized but comedy routines certainly played a part. In my interview with Sugiura Norio, he mentioned that Tako Hachiro, the boxing champion-turned comedian, had been a member of Oni Pro and was involved in many shows such as the one depicted in the above poster (which I also discovered on Yahoo Auction).

This is the only poster I have been able to find of Tani at Nichigeki but this doesn't seem to be the show referenced in Nawapedia (see previous post). For all I know, she may have appeared there several times.

Tani Naomi in Osaka - last performance!
The above poster publicizes Tani's performance at Tsurumibashi Music in Osaka. Interestingly, although I can't see a reference to the year, this is advertised as Ms. Tani's last performance. I'm not sure if this means her last performance of any kind or just her last live performance (not including films). The promoter is listed as Nikkatsu Poruno (porno) which I assume was some branch of Nikkatsu Studios.

Tani Naomi at the Asahi
The above is a lovely poster for a Tani live performance at the Asahi Nude Show Gekijo, also in Osaka. Once again, the promoter is listed as Nikkatsu Poruno.

And finally we have a poster of Ms. Tani at the Dotonbori Gekijo, also in Osaka.

Tani Naomi at the Dotonbori Gekijo

These publicity posters of Queen of SM Tani Naomi are magnificent collectors' items. They seem to be pretty hard to come by, even on the web. I've never seen anything like any of these posters in person.

Now I'm wondering if there are old films available of these shows? It would be amazing to see how these live performances were carried out 40 years ago.

How did they work in the comedy routines? Was it just a "rope show" like we see today or was there more to it? Who tied the ropes?

The subject of these pink shows of old is an elusive one indeed.

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